Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


This game certainly is not foreign anymore, because the game is jumping rope can be found almost in Indonesia although with less seluh different names. jump rope game is usually synonymous with women. but also no little boys that come into play.

one of the name of this game is a game that Tali Merdeka plumetted RIAU and surrounding provinces.

Rope game Freedom is the name for those who live in the province of Riau. In areas where people are supporters of the Malay culture is there a game called as the rope free. The core of this game is to jump rope, a knotted rubber. The naming game is related to behavior or acts committed by the player itself, especially on the last jump. On this jump (the last), a rope stretched by the holder fist raised high into the air. Fist is almost similar to what was done by the fighters when pronouncing the word "independent".
Hand gestures that resemble the symbol of independence that is then used as the name of the game is concerned. When and from where the game begins is difficult to know for sure. However, from the name of the game itself can be presumed that this game came in the colonial era. Actually in many other parts of Indonesia also found this game but with different names such as Jump Ropes, jump etc.

2. Player
This independent string players numbered 3-10 people. Players are divided into two groups, namely rubber holder and rubber jumper. In general, the game is done by women who were aged between 7-15 years. Women who had more than 15 years old will usually be reluctant to come into play, for fear of his private parts will be seen as a rubber jump rope. If there is any that come into play, usually only as cheerleaders and only jump when the rope is the height of the knees or waist. Whereas men have only occasionally participate in the game.

 3 game equipment
Equipment used in the game is rubber-woven rubber bands lengthwise. Menganyamnya way is to connect two pieces of rubber on the other two pieces of rubber up to elongated with a size of about 3-4 meters. Rubber is round like a bracelet that is widely available at traditional markets. Rubber is not sold apiece, but in the form of unit weight (grams, ounces, and pounds).

Rubber in general function as a binder is a plastic-plastic food wrap, hair binders and other items that do not require strong binding, because the rubber will easily break if used to bind too strongly to an object. Therefore, when making woven to form a rubber strap, it may take two pieces of rubber which is connected with two other pieces of rubber that is not quickly broken by a member body of the player who is jumping. There are times when the rope-woven rubber plug in 3-4 pieces of gum at the same time, in order to become stronger and straps can be worn many times.

4 Place Games
This game does not require a large place. Therefore, it can be played anywhere and anytime, such as on school grounds (at rest) and on the home page.

5. Rules of the Game
Game free rope skipping quite simple because only the rubber matting with a certain height. If the player can jump over the rope, rubber, then it would still be jumping up feeling tired and stopped playing. However, if the failed during jumping, the player must replace the existing holder of the rope to the other players who also failed, and in his place.

There are several measures the height of the rubber strap that must be skipped, namely: (1) is located at the boundary rope knee strap holder,
 (2) the rope is limited (in) waist (when the player should not jump on a rubber strap for if about it, it will replace position of the holder of the rope, 

(3) position on the chest strap is the holder of the rope (at a position that is considered high enough on the rope when the player can jump, jump as long as it was on the ropes and not entangled), 

(4) the extent of ear strap positions, 

(5 ) limited to the head position of the string 

(6) the position of the rope one inch from the head, (7) two-inch rope position of the head, and (8) position seacungan rope or strap holder cubits.

6. The game process
Before the game was held, it must first be selected two players who will be the holder of the rope by gambreng and suit. Gambreng done by stacking the palm of the hand of each participant to stand and form a circle. Later, simultaneously hands will be raised and lowered. At the time down, the hand position will vary (some are open palms and some are close).

If the majority is the position of the palm is open, then that shows the back of his hand and declared victory gambreng will be repeated again until later that left only two participants who will be the holder of the rope. Both men were later will do the suit, to determine who would advance to replace a player who fails when it jumps. Suit is fighting dexterity to use the fingers of the hand, especially the thumb, forefinger and little finger. Symbolized as an elephant thumb, forefinger and little finger as a human being as an ant. If the thumb collided with the index finger, the thumb will win, because the elephant would win if the fight with a man. However, if the thumb collided with the little finger, the thumb will lose, because the ants can easily enter the ears of elephants, so the elephants will lose. Whereas if the little finger collided with the index finger, the pinkie finger will lose, because the ants will lose the man who has a lot of sense.

Once everything is ready, then one by one the players will jump rope with various stages of height mentioned above. On the heights of the knees and hips, usually the player can jump, even at the height of the rope should not be touched by a player's body. At this stage of the limited height of the chest up to one inch above your head, start there are players who find it difficult to jump. Substitution of the holder of the rope began to occur at an altitude much limited to two-inch rope above his head. The most difficult stage is when the rope was seacungan cubits holder. At this stage such a height, in general only the players that have a high body postures and or often play an independent rope that can be jumped over. In order to facilitate the jump, the player can also do the spin move sideways, which if observed would seem like a propeller rotation.

Rotary motion is generally done by boys. In addition to spinning, the player can also hold and lower the rope before jumping. This method is usually done by girls. The player who has managed to jump over the rope as high as acungan hand, will wait for another player to jump over. And, after all the players managed to jump, the rope will be cut back at the knees. And so on, until the players get tired and quit playing.

7. Cultural Values
The game is called a string containing the value of freedom is hard work, agility, accuracy and fairness. The value of hard work is reflected in the spirit of the players who tried to jump rope with a variety of heights. Reflected the value of agility and precision of the players attempt to estimate the high jump rope with which he would do. Dexterity and precision in the play can only be had, if someone played or practiced jumping rope and be free. While the value of sportsmanship is reflected in the attitude of the players who do not cheat and are willing to replace the strap holder if it violates the rules set in the game


Senin, 27 Februari 2012


Congklak is a traditional game that is known by various name of games throughout Indonesia. Usually in the game, similar shells are used as seed congklak and if not, is sometimes used also seeds of plants.

Congklak game done by two people. In using the board game they called congklak and 98 boards (14 x 7) fruit seeds, called beans or fruit congklak congklak. Congklak boards generally made ​​of wood and plastic, while the seeds are made ​​of shells, seeds, stones, marbles or plastic. On board there are 16 pieces congklak hole consisting of 14 small holes facing each other and two large holes on either side. Every seventh hole on the side of the player and the hole in the right side regarded as belonging to the player.

 At the beginning of the game every little hole filled with seven seeds. Two players face, one can choose a starting hole to be captured and put one into the hole on his right and so on. If the seeds up in a small pit that contains the seeds of another, he can take the seeds and continue to fill, if discharged in large aperture of hers so she can proceed with selecting a small hole in its side. When discharged in a small hole in the side so he quit and took all the seeds on the opposite side. But when stopped at an empty hole on the opposite side so he quit and did not get anything.

The game is considered complete when no more can take beans (whole beans in a large pit two players). The winner is who gets the highest seed.

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


As we know this day a lot of kids doesn't play outside the house anymore, because there are more interesting games that found out today. In this modern tme, for example computer games, a lot of games that containt inappropiate scene from the games.

You can see now alot of park is empty because everybody play in the house and warnet “Warung Internet”

that is the main reason why we are going to explain you how to play traditional games...